Visit to the University of Edinburgh

To finish the Building Body Parts project in style, the class visited Dr Paxton at her place of work - the Anatomy Department at the University of Edinburgh.

The class took their Case File posters and presented these to Dr Paxton, answering her questions and showing her what they had learned over the past few months. This was just like a real scientific conference!

After this, the class were lucky enough to get a private visit to the Anatomical Museum where they could view the many fantastic exhibits on display as well as see the real skeleton of William Burke (from Burke and Hare fame!).

In the afternoon, the class had several different exciting activities such as anatomical body painting, use of a computer generated body imaging table and a tour of Dr Paxton's research lab.

Finally, the class visited to old Anatomy Lecture Theatre and were awarded certificates to mark the hard work that had been achieved over the course of the project.